My day starts at 7 am. I am up in my bed, staring at the painting hung on my room’s wall - a knife painting of a couple walking amidst greens. The entire painting is a colorful depiction of the colors of life. I wonder, do we ever walk in peace like them..? Even during the most awaited vacation, there’s a constant juggling of activities and less time to be at peace. Vacation memories apart, I can’t wait to make my home look sparkling, like the sea that dances to the sun’s shine. The routine begins hence. Everyday is a new day but the routine remains the same… new is the color of the sky, the trees capering and prancing to the music of the breeze, the activities of animals on the road, the sight of walkers with masks, the tune of the vegetable vendors on loud speakers! With so much to look forward to, the day is indeed going to turn out interesting. As I step into my cosy corner - the kitchen, new ideas for breakfast tend to freeze and I end...