DESIRE- The beginning of an end or the beginning of a beautiful journey



We all have desires. They are the lifelines that show us the glowing path to keep going.

Desires are unknowingly endless and put us through situations that are either eagerly awaited or unwanted.

Desires do not have a right or wrong perspective…but, the execution does!

Desires are long-term, short-term, strong, mild, immoral, impractical, wild, imaginary, simple, heart-felt…the list goes on. At the end, they just come straight from the heart, no tag attached! The happiness quotient associated with the fulfillment of yours is decided by the journey you choose to take along.

Often, in this journey of fulfillment, there is a rough ending or a beautiful beginning! It depends on you. What you actually settle for and accept forms a major part of how your life can be circled.

Desires around...

My son is emotionally attached to Ruby, the friendly dog in the neighbourhood. She desires to be cuddled and loved every time he is around. But covid times, have made her settle for a glimpse of him and an affectionate call.

The regular visitor to the enormously grown tree in our front yard, is a cuddly mommy sparrow, making short and pleasant chirps. She desires to bring home a good meal for her young ones, but I caught her settling for the grains available at a neighbour’s.

Bereaved families desire to have their lost loved ones back, but they settle for the happiness derived from existing members.

The rich desire for more riches, and the poor…for atleast one stomach-full meal for the day.

The environment desires for continued untouched times, but she knows she has to accept quite a loss coming her way.

The ones who have lost jobs desire for their lives to pick up broken pieces again, but they settle for what is available on their plates.

I desire to be able to completely help my loved ones come out of their difficulties in life, but I settle for being able to be available to them morally and emotionally.

The world is hugely driven by desires; a vicious circle of desires. In a closer circle, the strongest desire of one person, could break the heart of another, make the other weaker, or, could be the least desired by the other. One desires to be loved unconditionally, another desires to be let free, some others desire to have a balance between these two, some desire to have their expectations fulfilled constantly, have an ideal package in a spouse, have a successful professional path, others, happy to just be in a profession, some desire to remain a shadow of support and the others desire to enjoy this privilege.

Some desires are in a containment zone within ourselves, some are out in the open.

 A lonely heart weeps to just desire for something; a lively heart smiles to contain the desires.

An important lead to deriving happiness in the journey of fulfillment is, to do it step by step and not lose sleep over fulfilling them in full immediately. Just as we expect ours to be fulfilled, it is important to accept that people around us also think alike.

 A thin line of compromises, balances and sacrifices from each of us will help continue this cycle and strive for the liveliness and enthusiasm in us.

Considering the circumstances that we are surrounded by, we are mature enough to streamline our desires to what we can achieve, afford and act upon or ignorant enough to brush them aside.

Desire and harmony go together; not desire and individual happiness. If the latter is the case, it’s not a happy journey, but a self-centered one. A small circumstance of fulfillment of desire harmoniously, would be, if you desire to pursue a hobby completely different and demanding than your counter-part's, the common desire of both of you is to pursue a hobby. Draw fine lines of compromises so that each of you are happy to a great extent and go ahead! 

 So, desires become more achievable and the sense of fulfillment becomes worthier.

This journey is not just about desiring and fulfilling it; it is a journey of exploring happiness and harmony while on it. We then constitute the top 5% of happy people and create a happy world for ourselves. 




  1. Your sensitive approach towards those around you is truly appreciable also, you have listed various shades of desires very well.

    ತಾವು ಬಹಳ ಸೂಕ್ಷ್ಮ ಗ್ರಾಹಿ... ನಾವು ಸ್ವಲ್ಪ ಹುಷಾರಾಗಿರಬೇಕು ಅನ್ನೋ ಸಂದೇಶವನ್ನೂ
    ಕೊಟ್ಟಿದ್ದೀರ😉 (on a lighter note).

    ನಿಮ್ಮ ಪ್ರತಿ ಬರವಣಿಗೆಯಲ್ಲಿ ತತ್ವವಿರುವುದು ಕಾಣಿಸುತ್ತದೆ..

    1. 😁Thank you Vidya! Your comment is truly appreciated as always !! You cannot always be conscious of yourself 😉

  2. Very well articulated Deepika. Fulfilment of desires is pure joy when that is combined with the common interests of people aorund us. I so agree to this. What is joy and happiness if it's not making the ones around you happy too.

    Well expressed dear !

  3. Thank you Chitra ! So happy to see this coming from you ..

  4. Well written article. Love the depth of your thoughts. It is so true when our desire the welfare of everyone our happiness is easily fulfilled.

    1. Thank you Aditi and Anagha!! Love you! 😘

  5. The journey of desire is beautiful. It’s what keeps one moving forward with life

    1. Yeah mommy !! You have been a great part of what has kept me moving forward !

  6. Great writing as always and beautifully articulated !! Keep it going highly skilled one ❤️

    1. Awwww😘 I m greatly privileged to see your comment !! Thank you sissy!!

  7. Desires that takes one to greater heights is a life with purpose. The journey when accompanied by the loved ones also, makes it very comfortable and enjoyable. Life will become a great celebration. Excellent thoughts and expression too. God bless you. Amma.

    1. Thank you Amma . Yes, indeed life has been a celebration for me .. I owe that to the comfort you and Anna have extended on this journey .

  8. Another key topic of life !.wow electrifying..

    Well explained about Reality of World and Life..which runs on *Desires*

    Well articulated.. starting from Subject line to the Last line of the blog..

    I am sure, it's worth to Read this blog multiple times and have it Saved :)

    This Blog stands at very different level makes us realize * Thin line gap between Desires and Reality of Life.*

    Keep it up and Keep Inspiring us:)

    1. Thank you Ajit.. ! This definitely inspires me to write more !

  9. Replies
    1. Thank you so much ! I wish to know who you are ..


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